
Guru Freelancer

Guru online freelancer
Guru.com: "Online Outsourcing marketplaces. Founded in 1998. Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. U.S"

I would like to join as a freelancer, how it works?

You can submit your best profile or resume, then you can find tasks, submit a proposal, create a "Project Agreement" to define the project terms with employer, and complete task. :)

What the benefits offered?

There are many projects that can be done like finance accounting, sales & telemarketing, writing, editing, translation, business consulting, graphic design & multimedia, photography or videography, and much more.

Before you work on a project, you first take the expertise test.

If you as a freelancer have difficulties in work on a project, Guru.com provide a forum to ask questions.

Guru.com also have a payment system called "Guru's SafePay Escrow" to guarantee your payment.

Payment Method?

Withdrawal payment according to your choice : PayPal, prepaid MasterCard, direct deposit, check or wire transfer are available.

Happy freelancing, keep working, keep your health, and good luck for all...:)

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