Are you more interested in : paid per hour or per project?
Or you are still confused to assess/set the price rate of project would you do?
By using of these tools, you are permitted to manage your financial and estimate the hourly price rate of project that you assign to your client.
In my opinion, these tools are part of the project management in your freelancing productivity.
Or you are still confused to assess/set the price rate of project would you do?
By using of these tools, you are permitted to manage your financial and estimate the hourly price rate of project that you assign to your client.
In my opinion, these tools are part of the project management in your freelancing productivity.
Probably, most of you already familiar with these tools :
1. Freelanceswitch hourly rate calculator
With Freelanceswitch hourly rate calculator, giving you easy to estimate the hourly rate of your project by considering some factors or criteria like : industry standards, market demand, skills level you have, the experience you have, and other things. This tool is very simple, and you can quickly find out how much the estimated the hourly rate of your project.
2. Web Development Project Estimator
This tool is very simple, easy to use. By using this tool, you as a web designer or web developer permitted to estimate time of project would you do, know the hourly rate of your project. Estimation results can be printed directly or save them in PDF format.
3. Modernfreelance calculator
I think, the tools provided by Modernfreelance also quite complete. Through this tool, allows you to find some material your business and personal finances like expenses, hours worked, and income you get. You can also use this tool to estimate the hourly rate of your project.
The tools mentioned above only as guidelines. However, you can ignore it, because you most know your price rate based on your skill level, your experience, or the quality of your portfolio.
How do you think?
Happy freelancing, keep working, keep your health! :)
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