
Find Target Market by Freelancing Research

freelancing marketing research"Offline freelancing" even "Online freelancing" certainly have difficulties or challenges. There are many agencies, outsourcing sites, or online providers marketplace sprung up and vying to win over employers or companies. Whether beginner or experienced freelancers, would require good preparation to answer their needs.

The problem is, not all of us have a mature marketing strategy to sell ourselves.

Right, marketing. "You have good quality, but if you do not run a good marketing strategy will be hard pressed to compete in the world of freelance business."

While, not be denied ... to run a good marketing strategy requires continuous research.

Why be sustainable?

In my opinion :

1. So you know exactly who needs you

2. So you know where someone who needs you

3. So you know that if you still need decent

4. Last point is that you can compete with your competitors

Well, how do you answer that?

As I mentioned above, do get continuous research either online or offline.

Do your online research :

1. Social Media Networking

As you know, the development of social networks today allow you to find out more people activities. Means, social media networking marketing allows you to observe directly... what they considered?, and what they desired?. In fact, you can do survey directly to your followers. This make your target market will be more focused.

2. Online Forums

Online discussion forums became familiar chamber for most people today. Forum became place to their complaints and solutions. Therefore, the forum focused on your field also can help you to get information : what are their problems? and what are the best solutions for them?

3. Online Providers Marketplace

There are many outsourcing sites which you can use as reference material for your research. You can observe from the statistical growth of workers, employers, user needs, skills or salary trend required.  The information obtained, it can be managed became your considerations in the future.

4. Your blog or your competitor's web/blog

If you have blog or site, ask your audience through a poll or survey directly. You can ask about what they  are need or what they are looking for solutions. Likewise, you can monitor your competitor's blogs or websites as reference material.

5. Your Existing Clients

Yeah, your own client. It never hurts to ask your clients directly on the quality you give to them, what advices from them, and what they want. The information provided by clients is very important you know to improve your quality in the future.

6.  Fellow Freelancers

Friend or your partner can serve as your research material. You can discuss with them, sharing information about their experience, the salaries they earn, or the obstacles they face. The information provided will help you to fix the mistakes you made before.

You can also make an offline research through :

1. News Sources

You can follow the latest news or new trends through watching TV, reading newspapers or magazines. Means, you can monitor what is being enthused by many people today. Conversely, products or services that are not in demand or less demand. So, you can make the decision to updating or modify your target market.

2. Exhibition, Seminars, or Awards Events

By attending various events, allowing you to get ideas as inspiration to your next works. In addition, you also can meet or acquainted with your colleagues, expand your network, etc.

From all research you do, allowing you to :

1. To develop your ideas, sharpen your skills, made new innovations in your fields, and  build relationships in your network.

2. To Understand the needs of your target market, and how to find them. So you can sell on the right market. Like "you are fishing on a small pond which has thousands fish". You're the winner in this game!. :)

How do you think?

Glad to hear your opinions here....

Happy freelancing, keep working, keep health, and best success for all friends! :)

image by mafleen

1 Comment:

  1. You can post your jobs/gigs or buy services from $5 to $500 at http://www.microjobsonline.com.



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